Welcome to the City of London choice based lettings
There is one property available for bidding between Thursday 13 February and Monday 17 February 2025.
1 x two bed
Both are housing association properties, not City of London properties.
If you have not yet returned your census, the deadline has now passed and we will be writing to you to cancel your application.
Please check every week between Thursday morning and Monday night to see if there are any properties available for bidding.
All properties available for bidding will be shown here. When properties are available, bidding starts on a Thursday morning just after midnight and finishes on a Monday night just before midnight.
Please note that the Housing Needs Team continues to work remotely part of the week. If you need to contact the Housing Needs Team please do so via our team email address: [email protected] we will respond to your enquiry as soon as we can. Updated information regarding your application, changes of circumstances and scans of supporting documents should all be sent to this email address. If you need to arrange an appointment to see one of the Team please email in advance to arrange a convenient time. If you turn up at our offices without an appointment we may not be there or may not be able to see you due to other commitments.
Best wishes
The Housing Needs Team
Please check back regularly for possible bidding opportunities.
When properties are available you do not have to be first or last to bid as long as you bid during the time that bidding is open. The person with the most points will be made the offer of a property. If two people have the same number of points , the person who has been on the list longest would be made the offer.
Please remember to contact the Housing Needs Team if you have any questions or to inform us of any change of circumstance that you have. The Housing Needs Team can be contacted on: [email protected].