How we calculate your points
The City of London uses a points system to determine how we allocate our properties.
From the information provided on an application the Housing Needs Team calculate how many points the applicant is awarded.
Households accepted onto the Housing Register will be made an award of primary points reflecting their priority for housing. Primary points groups correspond to reasonable preference groups, City letting preferences and City transfer preferences.
Where a household falls into more than one primary points group, they will be allocated to the group that receives the highest primary points. The exceptions to this are households accepted as homeless, who must remain in the homeless primary points group, and City of London tenants subject to a decant, who must remain within either the decant primary points group or the under-occupation primary points group.
Secondary points can be added to a household’s points total to reflect cumulative preference (households that fall into more than one reasonable preference group) additional preference (prioritising households with certain circumstances) or other identified priorities.
Primary points
Households accepted onto the Housing Register will be made an award of primary points corresponding to the highest reasonable preference group, local letting or transfer priority into which they fit.
Secondary points
In addition to the primary points awarded above, additional points may be awarded in the cases set out below. Not all secondary points are applicable to each primary points group.
All applicants are awarded points determined by their current circumstances. If their circumstances change they may gain or be deducted points. Points reflect housing need above most other considerations.
We do not award points for the length of time you have been on the Housing Register. However, if two households have the same number of points, the one which has been on the Register for the longest time will get priority.
For more information about the City of London Housing Allocation Policy and full details about how we calculate points go to our website:
Medical and welfare needs
If you believe you should receive medical or welfare priority you will need to complete a medical or additional assessment form: these are available on request from the Housing Needs Team. For more details regarding welfare or medical priority please contact the Housing Needs Team.
Proof documents and information audits
All applicants are expected to provide the appropriate proof documents when they apply to join the Housing Register. Failure to provide these documents will delay an application and could lead to an application being cancelled. Applicants should contact the Housing Needs Team with details of any changes to their circumstances.
The Housing Needs Team will also contact applicants on a regular basis to ensure all the documents supporting their application are up to date. Applicants who claim a local connection through employment will be required to provide letters from their employers confirming their eligibility to remain on the Housing Register.